BSAP 2024 Has Officially Launched
Baxter Media is delighted to share that the 2024 Baxter Student Ambassador Program has officially launched as of January 3. Applications are now open on baxterambassadors.com for tourism and hospitality students at 18 participating colleges and universities across Canada. Applications will remain open until February 15, at which time two finalists from each school will be selected to conduct a skill-testing presentation on an industry-related topic. The winning student will be designated their school’s BSAP Ambassador of the year, and will receive a prize package and a jumpstart to their career.
As Bob Mowat, executive editor at Baxter Media, writes in the 2024 Forecast issue of Canadian Travel Press, “there is a sense of resolve in this industry that I’ve never seen before. A belief that no matter what challenge or disaster the industry might face, it can be beaten.”
Change is the only constant between challenging conditions like a global pandemic and turbulent economic times, and emerging industry pillars like regenerative tourism and artificial intelligence. As we look towards the future of travel, it is of the utmost importance to support students entering the industry and embrace the fresh perspectives they bring that can help us tackle future challenges. It is for this reason that after 10 years, the Baxter Student Ambassador Program continues to uphold its vision:
- ENCOURAGE young people to get involved in the travel industry
- FOSTER networking opportunities for graduating students
- MENTOR the next generation of travel professionals
- CULTIVATE engagement in the travel industry
Subscribe to this free monthly newsletter to learn how BSAP and its partner organizations are supporting the travel industry through the program. For a limited time, new subscribers will be entered into a draw to receive 1 of 4 $25 gift cards.
Eilish Vicencio-Heap
BSAP Coordinator, Baxter Media
Travel Courier BSAP Ambassador Features

Each winning Baxter Ambassador has their profile featured prominently in a special issue of Travel Courier. Being featured is a great way for Ambassadors to make themselves known in the travel industry and to make new connections. Click here to see last year’s BSAP edition of Travel Courier and to meet the winning Ambassadors.
National Tourism Job Fair
Don’t miss out on the upcoming National Tourism Job Fair, hosted by the Tourism Industry Association of Canada (TIAC) in partnership with Baxter Media and Tourism HR Canada. This innovative free virtual event will allow companies to connect with job seekers and network with talented prospective employees. Employers can also look forward to the opportunity to host information sessions and attend educational seminars.
The National Job Fair virtual platform will launch later this month.
To learn more and to register, visit: https://tiac-aitc.ca/cgi/page.cgi/National_Tourism_Job_Fair.html
To discuss sponsorship opportunities please contact Greg Ohman of Baxter Media at [email protected] or (403) 804-3497.

Propel Student Work Placement Program – Info Session

Powered by Tourism HR Canada and funded by the Government of Canada, the Propel Student Work Placement Program launches careers by placing tourism and hospitality students in paid work integrated learning opportunities. The program is not only a great opportunity for students, but employers too, as companies receive a wage subsidy to hire bright new talent.
The program’s next information session is January 18 at 1:00pm Eastern. For more information and to register for the session, visit: https://tourismhr.ca/programs-and-services/propel-student-work-placement-program/
Thank You to our 2024 Sponsors
Sponsors enable Baxter Student Ambassadors to receive a jumpstart in their careers through bursaries, prizes, networking opportunities, their professional profile published to thousands of our readers, and more.
For BSAP sponsorship inquiries, contact [email protected] and find out how you can reach the next generation of the travel industry.