I enjoy travelling, working with people, and making sure guests are having an unforgettable time during their vacations. Wonderful customer service has always contributed to my personal enjoyment during my vacations, and I want that sense of fulfillment by allowing others to have the opportunity to truly relax and enjoy their vacations too. .
My greatest strength:
Research skills.
My dream job:
Working on a cruise ship! .
The most exciting travel trend right now:
Staycation. I’m excited about this because this will help the country’s economy greatly, also there are a lot of places in Canada that I have never been to before, and I would like to take this chance to visit the gorgeous places in the country. .
In 10 years I see myself:
Working as a general manager at Marriott. .
My most memorable travel experience
was a cruise to the Caribbean with my family. I spent an entire day on the beach and had a lot of fun. .
First place I will visit post-pandemic:
On my bucket list:
France and California.
My greatest achievement:
Getting a co-op this summer.
Best travel advice I’ve received:
Live in the moment.
One positive and lasting outcome the pandemic will have on the travel industry:
People are travelling less. This will improve the sustainability of tourism. Before the pandemic, there were countries experiencing overtourism.