Hanyi Jiang

Hanyi Jiang
Tourism Marketing and Sales
British Columbia Institute of Technology
Hanyi Jiang
Describe yourself in 3-5 words:
Passionate, caring, reliable, curious, innovative.
Describe your travel style in 3-5 words:
Free, soft-adventure, unplanned, explorative, experiential.
Why did you choose to study travel & tourism?
My culinary diploma and a food/travel social channel I started during the pandemic led to a fascination with travel marketing, steering me towards a career in tourism.
What is your greatest professional strength?
My professional strength lies in anticipating needs and being proactive.
What’s your dream travel & tourism job?
I aspire to be a travel content creator, engaging audiences by trying diverse products, experiencing new adventures, and sharing stories from around the globe.
In your opinion, what’s the most exciting trend in travel right now and why?
I’m excited about the rise of slow, wellness, and culinary travel—these trends encourage deep cultural immersion and allow travelers to experience destinations as locals do.
What is one thing you can’t travel without?
A camera is essential for capturing moments and stories from my travels.
How many countries have you visited?
Five countries so far.
Name your favourite travel experience so far:
An impromptu month-long road trip through Calgary, Banff, Jasper, and Kelowna during the pandemic was a highlight, experiencing starlit glamping, winery tours, and the serene beauty of the Canadian Rockies.
What’s on your travel bucket list?
Switzerland is at the top of my travel bucket list.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
In 10 years, I envision myself as a destination marketer and freelance video content creator, showcasing destinations worldwide.
What’s the best OR worst piece of travel advice you’ve received?
Pack light, and travel to destinations where you have friends ☺