Mann Singh

Mann Singh
Hospitality and Tourism Administration
Centennial College
Mann Singh
Describe yourself in 3-5 words:
Charismatic, confident, outspoken, goal–oriented, resilient.
Describe your travel style in 3-5 words:
Culturally immersive, authentic experiences, off-the-beaten path.
Why did you choose to study travel & tourism?
I chose to study travel and tourism because I believe it has the potential to break down barriers and promote understanding between cultures. By supporting Indigenous communities, minorities, and underrepresented groups, tourism can showcase the beauty and richness of diverse cultures. Through my studies, I hope to explore how tourism can empower these communities economically and culturally.
What is your greatest professional strength?
My greatest professional strength is communicating effectively and building strong relationships with others. I excel in connecting with people from diverse backgrounds and fostering positive working relationships. This strength enables me to collaborate effectively with everyone, leading to mutual trust.
What’s your dream travel & tourism job?
My dream travel and tourism job would involve policy development and advocacy within organizations like the Tourism Industry Association of Ontario (TIAO), leading to opportunities at renowned international bodies like the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). I envision crafting policies that promote sustainable tourism practices while prioritizing equity, inclusivity, and cultural preservation within Ontario’s tourism sector. Collaborating with industry stakeholders, I aim to develop initiatives supporting Indigenous communities and minorities. Through advocacy, I aspire to drive positive socio-economic impact, environmental conservation, and community empowerment across Ontario, contributing to UNWTO’s global efforts.
In your opinion, what’s the most exciting trend in travel right now and why?
One of the most thrilling developments in travel currently is the rise of sustainable tourism. This trend sees travellers opting for eco-conscious lodging, engaging in conservation efforts, and contributing to local communities. It’s gaining traction thanks to heightened environmental consciousness and a commitment to minimizing adverse effects on destinations. Sustainable tourism not only encourages responsible travel but also provides distinctive and meaningful experiences that nurture a stronger bond with nature and Indigenous cultures.
What is one thing you can’t travel without?
One thing I always make sure to have with me when traveling is my reusable water bottle.
How many countries have you visited?
I have travelled to six countries on three different continents.
Name your favourite travel experience so far:
My favourite travel experience so far was a desert safari in Dubai. It was an exhilarating adventure that allowed me to immerse myself in the stunning beauty of the Arabian Desert. From the thrilling dune bashing ride to the cultural entertainment and delicious barbecue dinner under the One thing I always make sure to have with me when traveling is my reusable water bottle.starry desert sky, every moment was unforgettable. It was a perfect blend of adrenaline-pumping activities, cultural immersion, and natural beauty, making it an experience I will always cherish.
What’s on your travel bucket list?
I’m captivated by the allure of Morocco, where vibrant markets, intricate architecture, and rich cultural traditions beckon to be explored. From wandering through the labyrinthine streets of Marrakech’s medina to trekking the rugged landscapes of the Atlas Mountains, every moment promises an immersive journey into the heart of North Africa’s enchanting tapestry.
Name your greatest achievement so far:
My greatest achievement thus far has been winning the TIAC Future Leader Contest. This accomplishment validated my hard work and dedication and provided me with a platform to showcase my leadership abilities and innovative ideas within the industry. Winning this contest was a significant milestone in my professional journey and has motivated me to continue striving for excellence in all endeavors.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
In 10 years, I see myself playing a significant role in the travel and tourism industry. Using my strengths in communication and building relationships, I hope to contribute to organizations like the Tourism Industry Association of Ontario or the World Tourism Organization. My focus will be on promoting sustainable and community-oriented tourism practices, aiming to create policies that prioritize fairness, inclusivity, and cultural preservation. Through these efforts, I aim to contribute to positive changes in socio-economic impact, environmental conservation, and community empowerment within the sector, aspiring to make a meaningful difference in the global tourism landscape.
What’s the best OR worst piece of travel advice you’ve received?
The best travel advice I’ve ever received was always to pack a sense of humour with my passport. Let’s face it – travel mishaps are inevitable, but they often make for the best stories later on. Embracing the unexpected with a smile can turn a potential disaster into a memorable adventure. As for the worst advice? Probably someone telling me to “wing it” without any plan or preparation. While spontaneity can be thrilling, showing up in a foreign country without a clue can quickly turn into a comedy of errors. So, I’ll stick to my trusty itineraries and guidebooks, thank you very much!