Sydney Auger

Sydney Auger
Tourism – Travel
Fanshawe College
Sydney Auger
Describe yourself in 3-5 words:
Dedicated, hardworking, kind-hearted.
Describe your travel style in 3-5 words:
Adventure, all inclusive, relaxation.
Why did you choose to study travel & tourism?
Since an early age I have been interested in seeing the world. I believe that since I had such amazing opportunities to travel when I was young, it sparked the desire to see and learn more about the diverse cultures, cuisines, and destinations around the world.
What is your greatest professional strength?
I can easily adapt, even when I find the situation uncomfortable. Some would describe me as quiet at first, but I have worked hard on trying to open upon more during my professional and educational endeavours.
What’s your dream travel & tourism job?
I would love to be able to try more than one different position in the travel industry. I often can picture myself working at a resort, or being a tour manager, and even a travel agent! Any job that would give me the opportunity to see new cultures and destinations, is one that I dream of.
In your opinion, what’s the most exciting trend in travel right now and why?
The rise of ecotourism is very exciting. It is amazing to see that tourists are beginning to really understand the impact that they have when travelling. It is exciting to see that we can see the world and experience different countries without being destructive to those communities. There are increasingly more ways to travel that support the planet, local people, economies and more! I hope it continues so that we can take a step further to understanding each other.
What is one thing you can’t travel without?
A camera of some sort! Recently, I have loved that old trends such as Polaroid, disposable or digital cameras are making a comeback. It is so amazing to go on a trip and have physical copies of all the photos that you took, instead of never looking at them on your phone.
How many countries have you visited?
Twelve, including: Canada, USA, Mexico, Belize, Panama, Cuba, Bahamas, Puerto Rico, St. Lucia, St. Maarten, Trinidad & Tobago, Barbados.
Name your favourite travel experience so far:
My favourite travel experience so far was the Caribbean cruise that I took part in as a part of my studies at Fanshawe College. It was a weeklong cruise that set sail from Puerto Rico, and getting to experience different island life and culture is an experience that I will never forget.
What’s on your travel bucket list?
A few countries on my bucket list include England, Sweden, Japan and South Korea. I would love to be able to go to Europe, or even Asia. I think leaving North/Central America would be an amazing learning experience. No matter where I go, people’s way of life, culture, cuisine, etc. differs from what I am used to at home. Getting to experience and learn about those things is something that I look forward to in my career.
Name your greatest achievement so far:
My greatest achievement is putting myself through the Tourism – Travel program on my own after a year of saving for it. After taking some time off school during the pandemic, I worked very hard to be able to save up for going back to school, as well as attend the cruise during my studies.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
In 10 years, I see myself as a professional in the travel industry. I hope to use everything that I have learned thus far to further leverage myself and have a deep understanding of the industry.
What’s the best OR worst piece of travel advice you’ve received?
The best piece of advice that I have been given would be to “go for it.” Many people have told me to travel and gain new experiences while I am still young. I should not be scared to take risks as I have made it this far.